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Add a signature and confidentiality agreement in UIndy Gmail

An email signature is text that is automatically added at the end of an email messages as a footer. The following article provides the template for UIndy employees including a confidentiality notice.

Personalize the e-Signature template

The following template can be copied, pasted, and personalized in your UIndy email account.




University of Indianapolis

1400 East Hanna Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46227

(317) xxx-xxxx

[email protected]

Confidentiality Notice: This communication and/or its content are for the sole use of the intended recipient, and may be privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected from disclosure by law.  If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and then delete all copies of it.  Unless you are the intended recipient, your use or dissemination of the information contained in this communication may be illegal.

Add a signature to Gmail
  1. Log into your UIndy email.
  2. Click on the gear icon toward the top right-hand corner.
  1. A Quick settings box will appear. Click on the See all settings box.
  1. Under the General tab, find Signature (towards the bottom) and click on the text box to the right of My signature.
  1. In the Signature section, copy and paste the e-signature template from above or type in your information and the confidentiality notice into the text box.
  1. Click the Save Changes button at bottom of page.
  1. To verify the signature is set up correctly, send an email to yourself.