Connect to UIndyGuest WiFi

UIndy provides guest wireless access for visitors to the UIndy campus. Each device may use the UIndyGuest network for seven days before the registration must be renewed.

Because the UIndyGuest network limits access to some UIndy services, UIndy faculty, staff, and students should use the UIndy or UIndySecure networks instead.

  1. Open the WiFi settings on your device.
  2. Select UIndyGuest.
Depicting steps 1 and 2 on MacOS and Windows
  1. A window will appear with the Network & Systems Usage Policy.
Depicting step 3

If the Network and Systems Usage Policy does not appear automatically:

  1. Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer).
  2. Navigate to any webpage (
  3. The policy will appear on screen instead of the website.
  1. Read the policy and scroll to the bottom.
  2. If you agree to the policy, click the I accept the terms button.
Depicting step 5

If you are connecting an Apple device to the UIndyGuest network, your device may take 60-90 seconds to fully connect to the UIndyGuest network. If it does not, try turning the WiFi off and back on to connect.

You may now use the internet on the UIndyGuest network.