Got Questions?

Sometimes, there may be questions you have not yet thought of to ask your chair/program director or are unsure of how to ask. Past cohorts of new faculty have recommended sitting down with your chair or program director with this document in front of you

New Faculty Tip Sheet 


The University of Indianapolis strives to provide new faculty with a comprehensive orientation, opportunities for mentorship, and avenues for teaching and scholarship support. However, as a new faculty, it’s hard to know what we don’t know. The New Faculty Learning Community prepared the following document to help you identify department-specific questions you may need to ask your chair or dean to help you prepare for the upcoming year. Note that every question won’t apply to every person, and some questions are situation-specific.


- is my faculty mentor?

- should I discuss discipline-specific teaching questions with?

- can help me order office supplies?

- in the department most recently received tenure?

- are good resources to talk to about my pre-tenure dossier?


- is the department-specific code for the printer/copier?

- is the department-specific code for ordering supplies?

- forms should I fill out before conference travel?

- forms should I fill out before personal travel?

- are departmental norms/rules about working from home?

- are departmental norms/rules about office hours?

- expenses are appropriate for the use of professional development funds? - is the “unofficial” dress code for our department/college?


- is my university mailbox?

- do we have department meetings?

- do we have college meetings?

- is the department’s shared Google calendar (if one exists)?

How… 1

- do I get my office computer?

- do I get reimbursed for expenses incurred through my work?

- do I reserve a meeting room on campus?

- do I report issues with my classroom (lights out, flooding, etc.)