Classroom / Class Information
Creating and posting a syllabus
Your chair or program director will be able to give you an approved syllabus for the course. Please talk with them about which changes may/may not be acceptable within your unit.
Syllabi must be posted to Brightspace in order for the Registrar to collect them for accreditation purposes.
Syllabi Requirements
Each syllabus should include the following:
- University name
- Title; course number; section number; semester; academic year
- Department offering the course
- Instructor’s name and contact information
- Office hours
- Description of course – should match the description in the Catalog
- Credit hours
- Student Learning Outcomes (objectives stated in terms of what the students will be able to do or demonstrate upon successful completion of the course); should also include the university learning goals and general education competencies, as appropriate. University learning goals are not a substitute for course learning objectives. [please note: these are written by your department and approved by the curriculum committee. Please reach out to your department chair or program director to get them for your courses.]
- Classroom format
o Traditional face-to-face
o Hybrid
o Online
- Course outlines (dates when each assignments, quizzes, tests, and papers are due)
- Course requirements and/or assessments
o Required readings
o Written papers
o Field work
o Experimentations required and recommended
o Other
- Reading assignment schedule (include library assignments)
- Method of grading- The instructor should indicate what percent of a student’s grade will be based on each required assignment (e.g., tests, quizzes, paper, presentations, field work) and in-class participation.
- Statement of absenteeism and tardiness**- The instructor should make a clear statement about the university policy regarding absenteeism and about the effect of absenteeism and tardiness on student’s final grade. (missing more than the equivalent of two weeks of classes is grounds for administrative withdrawal)
- ADA: If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please inform me immediately so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. Students with a disability must register with the Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD) in Schwitzer Center 001 (317-788-3536 / for disability verification and for determination of reasonable academic accommodations. You are responsible for initiating arrangements for accommodations for tests and other assignments in collaboration with the SSD and the faculty.
- Statement (if using): “The University of Indianapolis maintains a University license agreement for an online text matching service called At my discretion, I will use this web-based plagiarism detection service and/or require students to submit work to this service to determine the originality of student papers.”
- Bibliography/Reference list
Syllabi Placement in Brightspace
For each of your classes, we require that you place a copy of your syllabus in the Overview area of your course in Brightspace. This will allow the Office of the Registrar to easily access syllabi from courses as needed. The Faculty Academy has put together instructions for how you can place your syllabi in the Overview and instructions for Creating a Course Overview are included in this brief video (NOTE: The “attachment” they refer to in this video would be your syllabus). Because this area can be hard for students to find, the Faculty Academy also recommends creating a module in Brightspace called “Syllabus” and posting it there as well.
Before placing your syllabi in Brightspace, we ask that you save syllabi files as PDF documents according to the following naming convention for the purpose of future retrieval:
(For example, if I were teaching English 123, Section 1 for the coming semester, I would save my syllabus as ENGL_123_01_HAYES_202110.pdf. Term codes for the 2021-2022 academic year are as follows:
● Semester I - 202110
● Semester II - 202120
● Spring Term - 202130
● Summer Term – 202140 )
Student Learning Outcomes, Implementation and Assessment
Student learning outcomes/objectives are set for each course at the department level. Please do not change these objectives! How you choose to teach them and assess them is within your purview in most instances (please consult your department chair in case there are any specific requirements.)
Creating a Syllabus Video guidance
Goals: Broad statements about what you would like your students to accomplish; may not be strictly tangible or measurable
- Learn more about sociology
- Develop an interest in biology
- Master anatomy
Objectives: Specific, measurable outcomes (“The successful student will be able to:”)
- Apply the sociological imagination to a series of real-life situations
- Demonstrate the photosynthesis cycle
- Accurately identify and explain the use for at least 50 muscles and 100 bones
Assessments: How we measure our objectives (may or may not be formally graded)
- Four case studies that require the application of the sociological imagination to be graded by rubric
- Student poster presentation on photosynthesis (graded pass/fail)
- 3 formative and one final cumulative multiple choice and essay exam over anatomy
Why Does It Matter?
- We care about student learning
- Our accreditor (the Higher Learning Commission) cares about student learning
- We need to be sure we are “closing the loop”- are students learning what we want them to learn, and, if not, how do we make adjustments?
Please check with your chair or program director to see if a textbook has already been ordered for your class. If not, you can place your book orders online at the bookstore here by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting “Online Adoptions” then following the prompts. If you need a desk copy of the book, please ask your chair or program director to help you get one.
Third party publisher Material Integration
Some faculty or departments choose to use third party publisher materials within their courses. For help loading these materials into your course Brightspace page, please contact the publisher’s representative.
Finding your Classroom
Once you have your UIndy account, you will have access to our intranet, Simply click on the “Faculty” link on the top right hand corner of the page, then “Faculty Schedule” in the “Shortcuts” underneath the search bar. That will allow you to select the term (such as Semester 1, 2025) and course. Doing so will show you the class days, times, room, and enrollment. If you’re curious about the technology use in your classroom, check out what Technology is available in UIndy Spaces. Review additional information on utilizing technology.
Finding your Class Roster
You may access your class roster in multiple ways.
- Within click on the “Faculty” link on the top right hand corner of the page, then “Classlist” should appear as an option in a large box beneath the “Shortcuts.”
- Within your class Brightspace page follow these directions to access your classlist. Note: you can also email one or more of your students via this “Classlist” feature.
Brightspace Basics
All UIndy courses will have a Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) site. To learn more about utilizing Brightspace, this excellent training site is available to you. Please note: you will need to create an account at this site, but you do not have to use your UIndy email address unless you prefer to.
You must post your syllabus on Brightspace using the directions above. You must also keep your course grades on Brightspace. The Grades: Start Here slide deck walks you through what you need to do to set up your gradebook for the semester. If you prefer to follow a video, the Grades: Start Here video (5:12) walks you through the same process.