Supporting Students
While holding office hours is not required for part time faculty, we encourage you to be available to meet with students before or after class or by appointment. Your chair or program director will be able to let you know the best place to do so. You may also choose to connect with students electronically through Google Meets, emails sent via Google or emails via the Brightspace classlist, and/or announcements on Brightspace. Some faculty choose to share a telephone number with students, but doing so is not required.
A special note for those teaching online courses: Federal compliance requires that you have “regular and substantive interaction” with students in online courses. That is, online courses are not correspondence courses.
Please review this series of slides to ensure you understand what's required for Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI). More details about teaching online may be found here. Online teaching policies are available in the faculty handbook.
Faculty who design online courses must be certified in APPQMR by the end of their second year of teaching at UIndy. This certification can be facilitated through the Faculty Academy here at UIndy
Even in the best of circumstances, college can be a big change for students. Additional support is available for students to help with their holistic needs. The best way to get support for students is to fill out a Student Concern Report. Other links on the page for student support will also help you connect students with Disability Resources and BUILD; our Health, Wellness, and Counseling Center; The Stephen F. Fry Professional Edge Center; the Center for First Year Experience and Student Success; the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Retention Strategy; the Writing Lab; and the Krannert Memorial Library.
Students with excessive absences may be administratively withdrawn from classes. Please check with your chair or program director before doing so. Of note is that international students who are administratively withdrawn may lose their ability to study within the United States. We recommend communicating clearly and often with students who are at risk of being withdrawn or failing due to absences.