Get my Form W-2 or Form 1098-T

Two primary tax documents that may need to be retrieved by students and employees include the Form W-2 and Form 1098-T. This article will outline the process of retrieving these documents.

Form W-2

The Form W-2 is used to report wages paid to employees and the taxes withheld from them. Employers must complete a W-2 for each employee to whom they pay a salary, wage, or other compensation as part of the employment relationship. Employers are required to provide the W-2 to employees on or before January 31. If you have selected consent to receive your W-2 electronically in UIndy Self-Service, a paper W-2 will not be mailed to you.

Current employees and students


  1. Navigate to; click on Employee Self-Service.
Depicts step 1 for employees


  1. Navigate to; click the UIndy Self-Service link.
Depicts step 1
  1. Once redirected to UIndy Self-Service Banner, click the Employee button.
Depicts step 2
  1. Click on Taxes.
  2. Click on W-2 Wage and Tax Statement to be redirected to a new page.
Depicts steps 3 and 4
  1. From this page select the Tax Year from the drop down menu for desired year.
  2. The 'Employer or Institution' field remains University of Indianapolis.
  3. Click the Display button.


Depicts steps 5, 6, and 7
  1. Your desired Tax Year W-2 will appear. Click the Printable W-2 button (located at the bottom of the page) to print.
Depicts step 8
Former employees and students

All past employees and student-workers will be issued a paper Form W-2 via postal mail to the recipient's last active address on or before January 31.  

For more information, questions, or concerns, please contact Human Resources via [email protected] or 317) 788-6132.

Form 1098-T

Post-secondary institutions will provide the Form 1098-T to students who paid "qualified educational expenses" in the previous tax year. Qualified expenses may include tuition, fees, or course materials required for enrollment. Information about the 1098-T statement and education tax credits is available at or by visiting the IRS website at

Current students
  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on Banner Self-Service.
  1. Click the Student button.
  2. Click Student Records.
  3. Click Tax Notification.
Depicts steps 3, 4, and 5
  1. Enter the desired tax year in the 'Enter a Tax Year' field.
  2. Click the Submit button.
Depicts steps 6 and 7
  1. You will be redirected to the Form 1098-T.
Former students

All former students can navigate to for assistance.

For more information, questions, or concerns, please contact Accounting via [email protected] or (317) 788-3221.