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Change your first name or request a username change

When an email address/username contains a first initial that does not reflect a preferred first name, to the extent that the preferred email address is available and does not violate community decency standards, a request for a UIndy username change may be submitted.

For more details, please see the University's Name Change Policy.

Preferred first name change

UIndy students and employees can add their preferred first name in Banner on their Personal Information. To edit this field;

  1. Navigate to https://banner.uindy.edu/BannerGeneralSsb/ssb/personalInformation#/personalInformationMain.
  2. Click on the Edit button under Personal Details.
Depicts step 2
  1. The Edit Personal Details box will appear. Under the Preferred First Name field, enter your Preferred First Name.

Please note grayed-out fields cannot be updated online.

  1. Click the Update button.
Depicts step 3
  1. If you would like to change your Google account display name or other information, please follow the steps listed at Change your Google Account information.

To update your name in the UINDY App, you will need to log out of the app and log back in. To log out, click the Profile/person icon in the lower right corner of the App, then the Gear icon in the upper right, and finally Logout.

It can take up to 4 hours for other UIndy systems to update a preferred first name change. If you do not see a name update after you've updated Banner and allowed for 4 hours, please log out and log back into the UIndy system in question.

If your first name is still not updated, please submit an IT Help Desk ticket.


  • After any username changes, you will need to change recovery emails in any non-UIndy (third party) systems where you've used your old username/email address.
  • If you have used your UIndy Google account to authenticate to any non-UIndy (third party) system, you may no longer have access to that third party account.  You may need to contact their support for assistance.